Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Very Busy Indeed

I haven't been posting much of late. Caught up in the seasonal rush, my days are spent as effectively as this cat's. The messes I make in the kitchen always out distance my cleanup efforts by just that little bit.
And Winter is just starting! Soon I will be shoveling during snowstorms as well.


djinn said...

I suddenly realize the problem with my entire life. Epiphany time! (Turkey time too, but that's a different cat video) If I could just find the leash......

djinn said...

I have almost spotted the toilet, though helpful hints would be appreciated.

djinn said...

Also, cat videos, always appreciated. Have you noticed that dog videos are rarely charming? (Unless you love the dog.) Dog seem to spend most of their time saying "I'm a happy dog!" or prehaps "I was bad, please forgive me." Cats, on the other hand, much wider range of disapproval.