Sunday, February 15, 2009

What The Diddly? (So To Speak)

It's a.....a.....uh....a finger light, of course! Who wouldn't want that? Better yet, they could make it a phone too----so good to 'phone home' with. And just in case people don't want a noisy ring-tone shouldn't it really come with a vibrating setting? These product developers and marketers better get on it.
This product release seems premature and unsatisfactory.


djinn said...

Awe, c'mon kerffle, I'm sure they assumed eveyone had phones that could be set to vibrate. Now that's an Idea. A finger-shaped phone, with a light!

djinn said...

keflufleriiefr, or whatever. I blame the usual suspects for whatever incidental crimes against grammar appear. Waiting for those excuses!

kerfuffler said...

That was my idea, a finger-shaped phone with a light-----and a quiet vibrating setting!

kerfuffler said...

Btw, the usual suspects are just the ones to blame for grammatical errors and spelling infractions. ( You would not be the first.) You must realize that you are being 'gang-stalked', and that the FBI are tampering with your electronic communications to undermine your credibility. You might want to insert an aluminum lining into your favorite hats. You've been warned.

ConservativeRepublican said...

Haha, you are so bad.

djinn said...

Aluminum is so unflattering to the complexion; a loverly rose chiffon with special magical anti-fbi fibers running through? I could work with that.

kerfuffler said...

Special hint: aluminum only to be worn in the invisible lining (unless x-ray vision-----who knows....!) of the hat.