Saturday, February 14, 2009

Social Conservatives--made not born?

Here is an article that compares Israeli chidren sent to orthodox schools compared those sent to secular schools.

The kids who thought that god created race, ethnicity, and gender were significantly more likely to think that this categories were created for a purpose and also that they were stable (you can't change from one to another). Although they thought that socio-economic status and animals were also created for a purpose, but weren't more likely to think that these categories were stable.

[Modified for a stupid spelling error.]


kerfuffler said...

Unfortunately brainwashing kids into rigid thinking patterns is pretty effective.
Conservatives defending their educational choices will argue that 'lefties' just want to brainwash, but with different ideas, and sometimes, regrettably, that kind of knee-jerk, liberal thinking is inculcated.

But there is a different option, and that is to teach a healthy skepticism, and an attitude of questioning. People need to be able to change their minds when confronted with refutations of what they believed before.
We have a hard enough time trying to do that in this country. In the Islamic world it is almost absent. And I fear that more and more the socially conservative ideology will take over in Israel because the Orthodox have such large families.

djinn said...

I can't believe I said made made not born. I'll blame the dizziness. Please send new excuses on the off-chance that I am cured.

I could you not be more right, having grown up in an incredibly conservative society. Conservative children are taught to NOT QUESTION THOSE IN CHARGE. Furthermore, even more scarey, serious serious consequences result if you do such a thing, like, well, you go over to the bad side.

So, you cannot question because no one will love you. Not a joke.

Thinking for yourself = no one loves you. Not much pushing this much.

Humans, we're such a malleable species. We can be formed (among an infinite possible of choices) into these rigid creatures (reference any number of my relatives) or we can be taught to think, to learn, and have you noticed this one? Have a sense of humor. Nuff said. For now.

djinn said...

I "think" you could not be right.

djinn said...

I "think" you could not be right.

kerfuffler said...
