Friday, October 16, 2009

Pumpkin carving is an art

My inestimable brother-in-law carved this pumpkin of him, my dear sis and my two most charming nieces. A round of applause, please.


Simone Rene said...

Wonderful!! Are they any roasted seeds left :)?

kerfuffler said...

I don't tend to roast fresh pumpkin seeds anymore now that they are so widely available already peeled------I can't eat the husks (doctor's orders), and I am unaccountably slow at peeling them.

But the store bought peeled ones can seem fresh if you roast them lightly right before eating. They make a great topping for stuffed summer squash.

Simone Rene said...

you have to find a ghoul to peel them for you!!..try the pesto recipe exchanging the pine nuts for toated pumpkin seeds and mixing 1/4Cilantro + 3/4 basil..

kerfuffler said...

That sounds really good! I love cilantro----but I understand that some people really hate the way it smells. They say it smells just like stink bugs! I think it must be genetic, the way some people can't taste the bitter aftertaste from saccharine (scientists have established). I suspect the same is up with coconut; you love it, or you hate it.

kerfuffler said...

How creepy do you think those faces on the pumpkin will look as decay sets in? They should look really scary by Halloween.

djinn said...

I personally know some people who can't stand cilantro--it makes perfect sense if it smells horrid to them. Aha!