Tuesday, September 30, 2008

"All of them, " "I have a vast variety of sources."

What newspapers does Sarah Palin read? She can't name a single one. Perhaps she's just exhausted from scanning the Alaskan skyline for signs of Putin. I suspect, however, that she is also aware of all internet traditions.

Truly, I'm speechless. This is just beyond parody. What will poor Tina Fey do?


Anonymous said...

I just love how every time someone questions her, she twists it to sound as if they are dissing on Alaska ("like it's a foreign country") instead of legitimately requesting clarification of her thoughts, opinions, sources.

I think the phrase is "throwing fur around." But I could be wrong. I only read a few newspapers, not all of them.

djinn said...

I mean, she reads everything in front of here, it's not like she has time to notice the names, or anything.

kerfuffler said...

People are not setting out to diss Alaska, but her selection as governor reflects poorly on their state. Many people treated questions about her qualifications as a baseless assault, assuming that becoming a governor established a reasonable threshold for competence; apparently it doesn't.

djinn said...

I've been wondering the same thing about governor competence myself, and other politicians as well....