Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Another Day, Another Racist Attack

This full page ad just ran November 30, 2009, in the Washington Times. Although ostensibly, the chimps represent Congress, the courts and the media, the truth is, the far right just cannot resist putting monkeys in their imagery. Remember these two images?

They always have an excuse for the inclusion of monkeys, but clearly they simply get a childish pleasure out of expressing their scorn for Obama in this manner. Next they enjoy "getting away with it" because they then claim it had never occurred to them that people would make an association between Obama and monkeys. That's right, just make sure Obama's name appears in the largest lettering on the page and put pictures of chimps right beneath it, and no one will make that connection.....

The Washington Times should be ashamed of itself for accepting such an ad!


Simone Rene said...

In total agreement with you! This is shameful and what is more shameful is that we- the public - are not Loudly asking to see the tangle mess that the last administration left behind and this administration is trying to undo and work through clearly defined in writing when each issue comes up.. I want clear and accurate facts not images that remind me our nation has yet to leave behind our prejudices and racial issue.

Christine said...

Agree, and annoyed with childish closed minded right wingness. You would not believe the odd conspiracy theories that surround Obama in my little UT ward...that people believe! Did you know he is planning to put poison in the water to make us all sterile...I didn't know ethier until the YW leader told me. AHHHH I am so tired of trying to fight back with the truth (uncountable heated arguments with crazy people). I just keep my mouth shut now and roll my eyes.

kerfuffler said...

Simone, I too am astonished at how quickly the public seems to forget that the mess was caused by the previous 8 years of dunder-headed policies. Or course it is going to take things a while to turn around.

Dynogirl, my condolences that you have to live surrounded by so much insanity! Many people on the far right will just not change their mind about anything. If you show them a birth certificate, they say it's a forgery. I saw a Palin supporter insist that Palin had always been against the bailout even after someone showed her a speech in which Palin was promoting the bailout. Talk about stubborn!