Thursday, March 18, 2010

RIP Alex Chilton

Two who left too soon:  Elliott Smith singing Nighttime by Big Star.

I hoped to post some recent Alex Chilton, but everything I could find appeared to have been filmed on cell phones. So, here's Big Star singing perhaps the most underrated pop masterpiece ever.


Unknown said...

I posted a tribute on my facebook wall and I was surprised how many people knew of him and were saddened by the loss. Maybe I have been living in a earphoned bubble?? Thank you :)

djinn said...

I posted a tribute to him on my facebook page too, and noone except my kids and one other person seemed to know who he was. Oh well. I, personally, never travel far without a little big star.

djinn said...

I actually first posted this with a version of 'September Gurls,' I'm not sure which song is best. They're both top 10 pop song worthy.